Dear friends,

This month, GCRI welcomes our newest team member, Jared Brown, who will serve as GCRI’s Special Advisor for Government Affairs. Until recently, he worked at the US Congressional Research Service, building practical knowledge of the workings of the US government, especially with respect to emergency management and homeland security. Now, he is applying this knowledge to global catastrophic risk. His work supports the broader global catastrophic risk community’s policy outreach efforts, especially with the US government. We at GCRI are grateful for Mr. Brown’s contributions and excited for the work he will be doing.

Seth Baum, Executive Director

Media Appearances

GCRI Executive Director Seth Baum was interviewed on an episode of John Danaher’s podcast Philosophical Disquisitions titled “Baum on the Long-Term Future of Human Civilisation”. Baum was also interviewed for an episode of the BBC Radio 4 podcast Analysis titled “Will humans survive the century?”