
GCRI is a nonprofit, non-partisan think tank developing solutions to reduce the risk of global catastrophe. Your tax-deductible gift will support GCRI’s cutting-edge research and outreach to address AI, climate change, nuclear war, pandemics, and other major global threats. Donate today to help keep the world safe.

All donations are handled by GCRI’s parent organization (fiscal sponsor), Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs. SEE is a non-profit public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. Donations are fully tax-deductible under US law.

Other Ways to Give

GCRI is able to accept donor advised fund transfers, stock donations, and wire transfers. GCRI may be able to accept some cryptocurrency donations, estates/planned giving, and retirement account transfers. To discuss options or make arrangements, please contact us at

Donations with PayPal can be made here.

To donate by check:

Make checks out to: Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
In the memo line, write: Global Catastrophic Risk Institute

Mail checks to:
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
23564 Calabasas Road, Ste 201
Calabasas, CA 91302

Enhance Your Donation

The online donation tool shown above and PayPal both charge a processing fee. To avoid this fee, donations can be sent via a check in the mail. This is especially encouraged for larger donations. For other no-fee options, please contact us at

Corporations, Foundations, and Government Funders

GCRI is able to accept funding from corporations, philanthropic foundations, and governments, including some non-US governments. Funding opportunities will be considered on a case-by-case basis. At this time, we are most able to receive unrestricted funding or funding targeted for organization development, though we do have some capacity for funded project work. For further perspective on this, please see trust-based philanthropy. Prospective funders should contact us at