Integrated Assessment

GCRI Executive Director Seth Baum gave a talk on “Integrated Assessment of Global Catastrophic Risk and Artificial Intelligence” at the Cambridge University Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) on June 28. Dr. Baum will also participate in a Tech2025 workshop on future AI risk on July 11 in New York City.

GCRI Director of Research Tony Barrett gave a talk on integrated assessment, nuclear war, AI, and risk reduction opportunities at an Effective Altruism DC event on global catastrophic risks on June 17.

Artificial Intelligence

GCRI Associate Roman Yampolskiy gave a talk on artificial intelligence at UpstartU. Dr. Yampolskiy was also interviewed by Tech Republic about new machine learning research.

Food Security

GCRI Associate Dave Denkenberger gave a keynote address on “Progress in Feeding the Earth If There is a Global Agricultural Catastrophe” at the 2nd International Conference on Food Security and Sustainability in San Diego on June 26, 2017. Dr. Denkenberger also gave an online presentation on “Preliminary Price and Life-Saving Potential of Alternate Foods for Global Agricultural Catastrophes” to the 22nd World Futures Studies Federation World Conference in Jondal, Norway, June 9, 2017.